In memory of those who gave
their lives for their country.
Harry Bachtell
Rudolph T. Bertelt
Robert Blackwood
Kelly Boomgaarden
Victor I. Clock
Elmer J. Dell
Alfred P. Engelson Jr.
Arthur Grove
Harold Hamilton Henton
John Hettinger
Harold James Hogan
Stener Theodore Hoiland
Donald LeRoy Holden
Fyvie Rae Horne
Oscar Iverson
Albert Marinus Larson
Henry Meyer
Emil Mullaert
Walter Petersen
Henry I.N. Rochau
Milo F. Rollert
George A. Snover Jr.
Matt Verdoes
William R. Wathem
Vietnam - KIA
Boyd Beyer
Harold Keith Binford
Herman G. Ebbinga
Arlo Hemme
Wayne Henderson
Gerald Johnson
Daniel J. Murphy
Robert Vincent Reker
Dale Ruddvy
Robert J. Shurr
Korea - KIA
Arthur Moeller
Robert Schlotfelt
Missing in Action
Rock County MIA Soldiers whose earthly resting place is only known to God.
Marvin Delapp
Henry Roos
Dennis L. Toms
Howard Clausen
Philip Armstrong
World War II - KIA
Carl V. Anderson
Lester Bendt
Rhody Marlow Bentson
James T. Bergin
Jean Bly
Everett Bosch
Vernon Brandt
LeRoy Buysse
Dale Caley
Lawrence Carlson
Harry W. Clausen
Richard Craig
Gerald Davis
Jerry K. Davis
Ray M. Davison
Milo Emery
Melvin Erickson
James E. Falon
Warren Harding
David Harris
Lambert C. Heikes
Russell Hofelman
Norman J. Hollekim
W. H. Jackson
John A. Jensen
Jarnet F. Johansen
Cedric Lawrence Jones
James Edward Wiggins
Harley Julson
Gerald Kennedy
LeRoy Kruger
Lloyd Larson
Kermit Lester
Herbert Lorenzen
Merlin Roy Lowe
J. Archie Matson
William McCardell
Thomas McLean
Richard Muller
Curtis Nagel
Norman M. Nelson
Lloyd Peterson
Austin Rollag
Leland R. Rowberg
Lowell Reu
Richard Smith
Herman Smook
William D. Sorteberg
Woodrow Spranger
Paul Storaasli
Bertrum Weldon
Cedric Wiegel
Carl Wiese
Herman Wiese Jr.
Russell Wilder
LeRoy Willems
Donald Wright Jr.